Tests menu
The Tests menu includes statistical tests on tabulated or summarized data. These tests are useful when you do not have the raw data available in the spreadsheet, e.g. when you want to compare e.g. two means reported in the literature, and you do not have access to the raw data.
- Test for one mean
- Test for one proportion
- Correlation coefficient significance test
- Chi-squared test
- Fisher's exact test (2x2 table)
- McNemar test on paired proportions (2x2 table)
- Comparison of
- means (t-test): Comparison of two independent means (t-test)
- standard deviations (F-test): Comparison of two independent standard deviations (F-test)
- correlation coefficients: Comparison of two independent correlation coefficients
- proportions: Comparison of two independent proportions (expressed as percentages)
- coefficients of variation: Comparison of two independent coefficients of variation
- areas under independent ROC curves: Comparison of the Area under the Curve (AUC) of two independent ROC curves
- Rates
- Relative risk (2x2 table)
- Odds ratio (2x2 table)
- Inter-rater agreement
- Diagnostic test (calculates test characteristics on a 2x2 table provided by the user)
- Likelihood ratios (2xk table)