User-friendly statistical software
MedCalc is a statistical software package for biomedical research.
- Includes more than 220 statistical tests, procedures and graphs.
- ROC curve analysis, method comparison and quality control tools.
- Minimal learning curve.
- Developed since 1993.
Easy to learn, fast and reliable
- MedCalc includes more than 220 statistical tests, procedures and graphs
- reference software for ROC curve analysis...
- method comparison and method evaluation including Bland-Altman plot, Passing-Bablok regression, and Deming regression, ...
- reference intervals, including age-related reference interval
- Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional-hazards regression
- meta-analysis
- see complete list
- save graphs in SVG, PNG, JPG, high resolution TIF, or other file formats, or as PowerPoint slides (*.pptx).
- free updates
- available with an English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish user-interface (help file and documentation in English)
- one edition includes all features (do not pay extra for the functions you really need).
- compatible with all contemporary Windows desktop editions

MedCalc licensing options
Perpetual single-user license
For individuals
Allows 1 person to use the software
Not transferable
No monthly or yearly fees
Single-user subscription
For individuals or organizations
Allows 1 person to use the software
Not transferable
Subscription based
Yearly fee:
Site license
For organizations
Allows unlimited use within your organization
Yearly fee:
Network license
For organizations
Allows concurrent use by a limited number of users
Starting at per year for 2 concurrent users
Some of our users
MedCalc is used in 129 different countries. Here are some of our users: