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Frequencies bar charts


Use the Frequencies bar chart command to graph categorical data.

Required input

In the dialog box, one or two discrete variables with the classification data must be identified. Classification data may either be numeric or alphanumeric (string) values.

Frequencies bar chart - dialog box

  • Classification X: the first variable (main category)
  • Classification Y: an optional second variable (secondary category)
  • Option There is a variable containing counts
    • When this option is not selected then MedCalc will count the occurrences of each category (or combination of categories if a second variable is selected).
    • When this option is selected then an additional selector is presented in the dialog box to select a variable that contains counts.

      Frequencies bar chart

  • Filter: a filter to include selected cases.

Graph types:

Simple column chart
Simple column chart (one classification factor). The chart contains a single bar for each category. The height of the bars is the number of cases in the category.
Clustered column chart
Clustered column (two classification factors). Like simple column chart, but containing a group of bars for each category in the first classification category. The height of the bars is the number of cases in the category.
Stacked column chart
Stacked column (two classification factors). Bar segments are stacked on top of one another. There is one bar stack for each category in the first classification factor. Segments within each stack represent the contribution of categories in the second classification factor.
100% Stacked column chart
100% Stacked column (two classification factors). Bar segments are stacked on top of one another, the total equals 100%. There is one bar stack for each category in the first classification factor. Segments within each stack represent the relative contribution of categories in the second classification factor.


  • Relative frequency (%): represent the data as percentages, not counts. This option is applicable to the Simple and Clustered column charts only. The Stacked column graph always shows counts, the 100% Stacked column graph always shows percentages.
  • Sort by magnitude: sort by the magnitude of the main category.
  • Reverse order X: option to reverse the order of the categories of the first variable.
  • Reverse order Y: option to reverse the order of the categories of the second variable.

Graph orientation

Select a vertical or horizontal layout.


Frequencies bar chart

See also