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Recall dialog

Recall most recent dialog F7

After you have completed a dialog box or statistical procedure in the Tools, Statistics, Graphs, Tests or Sample size menu, you can immediately recall the dialog by pressing function key F7.

When you recall a dialog box, the dialog box will be redisplayed with all fields containing the same entries. For example, after you have completed the dialog box for Regression, you may want to repeat the same analysis with a minor change in the dialog box, e.g. a different equation. You just need to press F7 and the selections of the first analysis are displayed in the dialog box.

List recent dialogs Ctrl F7

Press function key Ctrl F7 or click Recall button to obtain a context menu with recent dialogs.

Recall recent dialog

Recall dialog of a results or graph window

Right-click in the title bar of a results of graph window. Next click Recall dialog on the context menu. This will recall the dialog box for the corresponding analysis or graph.

Recall dialog of a results or graph window

Recall dialog box of a saved procedure

When you have saved a statistical procedure or graph you can recall the dialog box by right-clicking on the item:

Recall recent dialog

Recall selections from a previous and different dialog box

Function key F7 can also be used to enter the data from a previous dialog box in a new dialog box. For example, after you have created a scatter diagram, you want to calculate the correlation statistics for the same variables. In order to obtain this, select Correlation coefficient in the Statistics menu. When the dialog box is displayed, you press function key F7 to enter the same variables as in the previous dialog box for the scatter diagram. This functionality is available to exchange information among similar dialog boxes, such as

  • Summary statistics, Histogram, Cumulative distribution, Box-and-whisker plot, Normal plot, Reference interval
  • Correlation, Rank correlation, Regression, Scatter diagrams
  • Multiple regression, Logistic regression, Multiple variables graphs, Clustered multiple variables graphs
  • T-tests, Wilcoxon tests, Data comparison graphs.
  • One-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test, Multiple comparison graphs, Clustered multiple comparison graphs.
  • Bland & Altman plot, Passing & Bablok regression, Mountain plot.
  • Frequency table, Frequency charts, Inter-rater agreement (Kappa), Fisher's exact test, McNemar test
  • ROC curve and Comparison of ROC curves

See also