STEYX function
STEYX(rangeX,rangeY) returns the the standard error of the predicted y-values in the regression of rangeY (dependent data) on rangeX (independent data). This is the Residual standard deviation, or Standard error of estimate in regression analysis.
The arguments rangeX and rangeY can be a list of numbers, cell addresses, cell ranges (such as A1:A10).
RangeX and rangeY can also be vectors (column or row matrices) with the same number of elements.
Note that in comparison with the corresponding Excel function, the order of the X and Y arguments is reversed.
The equation for STEYX is:
$$ \sqrt{ \frac{1}{n-2} \left[ \sum_{}^{}{(y-\bar{y})^2} - \frac{ \left[ \sum_{}^{}{(x-\bar{x})(y-\bar{y})} \right]^2 } {\sum_{}^{}{(x-\bar{x})^2}} \right]} $$