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Statistical functions on variables

These functions calculate statistics on variables, without the need to specify a range. Be careful when you use these functions in cells of the columns that correspond to the variables, because this actually adds a value to the variable which can lead to unexpected and faulty results. You can exclude the cells to avoid this.

AGGREGATE(statistic[,allowmissing],variable,group[,filter]) calculates the specified statistic of a variable in the group a case belongs to.

VAVEDEV(variable[,filter]) returns the average deviation of a variable

VAVERAGE(variable[,filter]) returns the average of a variable

VCOEFVAR(variable[,filter]) returns the coefficient of variation of a variable

VCOUNT(variable[,filter]) returns the number of numerical data of a variable

VCOUNTNEG(variable[,filter]) counts the negative observations of a variable

VCOUNTPOS(variable[,filter]) counts the positive observations of a variable

VCORREL(variable1,variable2[,filter]) returns the correlation between 2 variables

VCOVAR(variable1,variable2[,filter]) returns the covariance of 2 variables

VDEVSQ(variable) returns the sum of squares of differences from the mean

VFREQUENCY(bins,variable[,filter]) returns a frequency table as a matrix

VGEOMEAN(variable[,filter]) returns the geometric mean of a variable

VHARMEAN(variable[,filter]) returns the harmonic mean of a variable

VINTERCEPT(variableX,variableY[,filter]) returns the intercept of the regression line between 2 variables

VMAX(variable[,filter]) returns the maximum value of a variable

VMEDIAN(variable[,filter]) returns the median value of a variable

VMIN(variable[,filter]) returns the minimum value of a variable

VPERCENTILE(centile,variable[,filter]) returns a percentile value of a variable

VPERCRANK(value,variable[,filter]) returns the percentile rank of a value

VPERCRANKR(variable,group) returns the percentile rank of a value

VSEM(variable[,filter]) returns the standard error of the mean of a variable

VSLOPE(variableX,variableY[,filter]) returns the slope of the regression line between 2 variables

VSTDEV(variable[,filter]) returns the standard deviation of a variable

VSTEYX(variableX,variableY[,filter]) returns the standard error of the predicted y-values in the regression of y on x.

VSUM(variable[,filter]) returns the sum of observations of a variable

VSUMNEG(variable[,filter]) returns the sum of the negative observations of a variable

VSUMPOS(variable[,filter]) returns the sum of the positive observations of a variable

VSUMSQ(variable[,filter]) returns the sum of the squares of the observations of a variable

VTESTNORM(normalitytest,variable[,filter]) performs a test for normal distribution on a variable.

VTrimMean(k,variable[,filter]) returns the trimmed mean of a variable

VTrimMeanSEM(k,variable[,filter]) returns the standard error of a trimmed mean of a variable

VTrimMeanLOW(k,ci,variable[,filter]) returns the lower value of a confidence interval of a trimmed mean of a variable

VTrimMeanHIGH(k,ci,variable[,filter]) returns the higher value of a confidence interval of a trimmed mean of a variable

VVAR(variable[,filter]) returns the variance of a variable

See also