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Save as SPSS file

MedCalc allows to save the data in SPSS format (*.sav file), but the following should be taken into account:

  • SPSS does not allow to mix numbers and text in the same column or variable.

    By default MedCalc will save all data as numbers. Therefore, if you need to export text data, you must select the option Text format in the Format spreadsheet dialog box for those MedCalc spreadsheet columns containing text that needs to be saved in the SPSS file.

  • The rules for variable names in SPSS are very strict and the following adaptations need to be made to variable names in the SPSS file:
    • variable names not beginning with a character A..Z will be preceded with "V_"
    • duplicate variable names will be extended with "@XX" where XX is the spreadsheet column designator
    • for columns with en empty header, a default variable name "V@XX" will be created where XX is the spreadsheet column designator
    • variable names that are equal to SPSS reserved keywords (ALL, NE, EQ, TO, LE, LT, BY, OR, GT, AND, NOT, GE, and WITH) will be extended with "@XX" where XX is the spreadsheet column designator
    • variable names with a length exceeding 8 characters are truncated

See also