Mathematical functions
- ABS(x) Absolute value function
- ALOGIT(l) Antilogit function
- BOXCOX(x,lambda,shift) Box-Cox transformation function
- BOXCOXINV(x,lambda,shift) Inverse of the Box-Cox transformation function
- E() Euler's number
- EPS(x) Floating-point relative accuracy function
- EXP(x) Natural exponential function
- FISHERR2Z(x) Fisher transformation function r to z
- FISHERZ2R(x) Inverse of the Fisher transformation function
- INV(x) Inverse function
- LN(x) Natural logarithm function
- LOG(x) Logarithm function
- LOGIT(p) Logit function
- MOD(x,d) Modulo function
- POWER(x,p) Power function
- POW10(x) Raises 10 to power x
- SIGN(x) Sign value
- SQRT(x) Square root function
- SQUARE(x) Square function
Random number generation
- RAND(x) Random number function (Uniform distribution)
- RANDOM() Random number function (Uniform distribution)
- RANDNORM(m,s) Random number function (Normal distribution)
Rounding and truncation
- CEIL(x) Rounds x up
- FLOOR(x) Rounds x down
- INT(x) Integer value function
- ROUND(x,n) Rounds the number x to n digits
- TRUNC(x) Truncates the number x by removing the fractional part
Prime numbers
- ISPRIME(x) Prime number check function
- NEXTPRIME(x) Returns first prime number larger than x
- PRIMEFACTORS(x) Returns the prime factors of x
- PRND(min,max) Random prime number function