How to export results to Microsoft Word
Save as a Word file
- Right-click on the results window title bar.
- On the context menu click Export results.
- In the Export results file selector box, for Save as type: select Word document.
- Enter a file name.
- Click Save.
This method works for all results reports as well as results displayed in dialog boxes such as in the Tests or Sample size menus.
Save to or append to Word file (docx files only)
- Click the
button or press Ctrl+W.
This method works for all results reports as well as for graphs and the spreadsheet table.
The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W also works for results displayed in dialog boxes such as in the Tests or Sample size menus.
- A dialog appears in which you can enter the name of the Word document.
- Click the Browse button to call the common file selector dialog.
- You can save the report or graph to a new word document or append it to an existing document.
- Use the option "Include a heading with file name, date and time" to insert a separator/header above the report or graph with the name of the datafile, and the current date and time.
On Windows versions prior to Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, support for Word *.docx files requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (a free download from Microsoft).
Copy-Paste to Microsoft Word
- Open your document in Microsoft Word.
- Activate the MedCalc results window.
- Click Select all on the Edit menu, or press Ctrl A.
- Click Copy on the Edit menu, or press Ctrl C
- Activate Microsoft Word and place the cursor where you want to insert the table.
- Click Paste on Word's Edit menu, or press Ctrl V.